Cosmoparticle physics: The enlightening voyage to the Dark Universe
Cosmoparticle physics: The enlightening voyage to the Dark Universe


Particle physics
Cosmoparticle physics
baryosyn- thesis
Dark matter
Beyond the Standard models


Physics of the dominant part of the energy-density of the modern Uni- verse - dark matter and dark energy - lies beyond the Standard model (BSM) of elementary particles. The now standard cosmological model involves BSM physics to describe the cornerstones of the structure and evolution of the Universe: infla- tion, baryosynthesis and dark matter/energy. It makes Dark the whole story of the Universe: from the origin of its basic initial conditions to the modern structure and evolution. It implies existence of BSM physics, which still finds no experimental evidence, since search for it at the LHC only tightens constraints on its effects. We show that the challenge to shed light on the physics of the Dark Universe can be related to development of cosmoparticle physics, studying fundamental rela- tionship of micro- and macro worlds in cross disciplinary studies of its physical, cosmological and astrophysical signatures.

Cosmoparticle physics: The enlightening voyage to the Dark Universe