Making of a cryptographic mechanism to enhance security in message transmission
Making of a cryptographic mechanism to enhance security in message transmission


Bit padding


Cryptography is a familiar technique to safely send a message or data where privacy and secrecy needs to be maintained from the source to the destination. This transferring of confidential information has been considered under a threat now-a-days due to the intermediate attackers. The idea of making this machine started off with a hybrid security approach consisting of different algorithms, viz., Substitution and RSA, including some secret bit adding. Further transferring the encoded message over a network. When a certain encoded message is sent, each of its character gets shifted by a certain position, and then it is converted into bytes. RSA is applied over these bytes for several timesand finally some extra bits are added to these to end up with the encrypted text. Then this encrypted text is transferred over the network. At the receivers' end the same process chronologically opposite manner is applied to find the actual plaintext.

Making of a cryptographic mechanism to enhance security in message transmission